Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Handprints on my mirror

Dear God,
Thank you for our girl, and for the wonderful days we're spending together. Tonight, at dinner, I looked up at the mirror in our dining room and saw handprints on the mirror in there. There are handprints on the mirror in our hallway, on the mirror in her bathroom, on the window by her changing table, on the stainless steel dishwasher door. Basically, anywhere you could clean with Windex, there are handprints. Today God, I want to pray a prayer of thanks to you - for the marks that Caroline is leaving on our lives. For the actual handprints - reminders of how small she is, but how fast she's growing. Also, I want to thank you for the marks she's leaving that aren't visible... the smiles she brings to us, the tears that come when she's being so sweet, the tenderness she's bringing out in my husband, the laughter that comes from other people when she smiles and waves at them. Thank you for the opportunity to be touched by her spirit and her joy. While I'm planning to clean away the handprints (as soon as I can break through the child locks on the kitchen cabinet), please let the other marks stay untouched by time.


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