Monday, June 17, 2013

Potty Training

Dear God,
We're potty training, and in the last few days it's gotten pretty challenging. It seems like Caroline is struggling with me giving her direction to use the potty. I'm praying today that she returns to her good potty behavior, that she enjoys being a big girl on the potty and that she feels in control of herself with respect to using the potty. God please keep her from having accidents, and help us get through this phase quickly and successfully.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Simply Fun

Dear God,
Caroline has gotten to an age where she can be self-entertaining for a period of time. Yesterday as I was getting dinner ready, she was playing and being silly, even laughing at herself. I wasn't even in the room - she was just simply having fun, by herself. It made me think of what a valuable trait that is - the ability to have fun, by yourself, without anything complicated to entertain you. Today my prayer is that she always has that ability, and that she creates a fun environment for others around her. There are people who are like that, who are fun to be with no matter what you're doing. I pray that you give that to Caroline.
