Sunday, January 27, 2013

Her Daddy

Dear God,
Thank you for the wonderful relationship you're building between Caroline and her daddy. They had a lot of 1:1 time this weekend, and I was so proud that they do so well together. Please continue to bind their hearts to one another, and to give them special connections.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Dear God,
You've given Caroline a terrific sense of humor. All day today she did and said funny things. She's such a happy child, and her spirit just exudes laughter. Thank you God for giving her the gift of making me laugh, for her charming laugh, her sweet smile and our time together. God please keep her sense of humor in tact through her life - when times are hard, when she's in the darkest places, help her remember how to laugh. Thank you for the healing nature of humor God.


Friday, January 18, 2013

Persistence and Asking for Help

Dear God,
Caroline insisted on putting her jacket on by herself this morning - it so funny the things she picks to do independently. She hasnt really been successful at doing that yet, but I let her try, and told her to tell me if she needed help. She tried, patiently for about 5 minutes before asking for help. What a great pattern - trying hard by herself to solve her problems, but being willing to accept help when she recognizes she needs it. God please grow Caroline's desire to solve problems, make her a confident child who tries to fix things for herself. Also God, please let her always know when she needs help, and make her humble enough to be able to ask for help.

Thank you Lord for this day, for our time together.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Dear God,
Caroline has the funniest little behavior right now, she's praying all day long. She just folds her tiny hands, looks at us, and asks to pray. What a sweet, sweet reminder of how we should pray without ceasing. Today, literally, she prayed without ceasing. We prayed for our family, our friends, our toys, our food, our house, our clothes, our hair, for prayer.... we prayed. A lot. Thank you for this funny little habit, and please let prayer always come easy for Caroline. Let her be a woman who turns to you through the day, for all of her days.


Friday, January 4, 2013

Oh The Places

Dear God,
 Tonight we read "Oh! The places you'll go", by Dr. Seuss, to Caroline at bedtime. It's such an inspirational book, and as we read it to her tonight it made me pause and wonder about the places she'll go. The book predicts success, failure, challenge and joy. You promise all of those things in life. My prayer tonight is that you have have WONDERFUL places for Caroline to go in life. I pray that you go ahead of her and make her path fascinating and smooth. God please prepare the way for our sweet pea, and please be by her side in "the places she'll go".


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

There's Crayon on the Kitchen Floor

Dear God,
There's crayon on the kitchen floor. The Christmas decorations didn't all make it back into their storage containers today. Our home is far from perfect, and my parenting is far from perfect. Today, I yelled at her. God my prayer for you today is that both Caroline and I grow increasingly more patient with one another. She does things - like putting crayon on the floor - that are just typical child behavior, and I want to look at those things and smile, and know that 'it wont be like this for long' and that I'll miss it some day. I want to hear her 100th cry to be picked up and cherish it without being annoyed that I have to stop what I'm doing. I also want her to forgive my shortcomings as a mother, and see our home as a place where we're all loved, where we're all trying really hard, and where things aren't perfect and it's ok. God please give us patience, give us hearts to see the best in one another, and please give us the wisdom to stop and enjoy the small things.
