Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cold, Cough

Dear God,
Caroline has a cold, and a bad cough. We took her to the Dr. and he says its just a cold, but it's upsetting. She seems uncomfortable and I'm asking you to ease her pain, heal her of the cold, and don't allow the cold to turn into an ear infection. God please let her sleep through the night and wake tomorrow feeling much better. Also, please keep Dan and me healthy while she's not. 

Please take care of our sweet little girl God, and heal her.


Dear God,
Tonight I want to talk to you about Caroline's independence. In so many ways, over the last 16 months it's simply amazing how I've seen Caroline become independent. She's capable of helping herself to her toys, putting her shoes on, throwing something away, petting the cat. In other ways though, she's still so dependent on me. Tonight I pray that her independence keeps growing, but that I have patience and wisdom to enjoy the things that she still needs me for.


Thursday, September 27, 2012


Dear God,
Today's prayer is a little prayer. Thank you for allowing us to come to with with big and little things. Today my prayer is that Caroline continues to be a good water drinker through her life. She loves water and drinks a lot of it, and that's so good for her! It's such a healthy habit and can help weight, skin, hair, attitude and general health. Please let this habit stick, and help me encourage it.


Thursday, September 20, 2012


Dear God,
Tonight Caroline and I rode on the bike while Dan ran. Several times she said Hi Dada, or just Dada in a super energetic voice. It felt to both of us like she was cheering for him, and it was such sweet motivation for Dan on the run. It reminded me that you give some people the gift of empathy, and the gift to know how to encourage others when they're struggling. God it seems like you've given some of those gifts to our girl, and I pray that you show me how to grow them in her.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dear God,
Thank you for our sweet baby and all the new and exciting things she's learning to do. Recently it seems like new words are coming out of her mouth left and right. Today, she started using one I'm not as excited about -- No. My prayer is that she quickly learns the appropriate way to use that word, and that it doesn't become a favorite.


Monday, September 17, 2012


Dear God,
Tonight after prayers, Caroline said 'amen' for the first time. How precious these words were coming from her tiny lips. My prayer for her tonight is that she never stops saying 'amen' - that she's grateful to you for the rest of her life, that she realizes the role you have in her life and that she's humbled by your spirit. Thank you for our relationship that we have with you, and for Caroline's sweet tiny Amen.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Car Rides

Dear God,
Caroline's gotten a bit tricky to handle in the car, so today I have a practical request. Please help her on car rides. Please help her to be calmer, more self-soothing, less fussy. God please teach her to enjoy the 'down' time, teach her to enjoy the scenery and the time we're spending together. God please take the stress out of car trips.


Friday, September 7, 2012


Dear God,
Today I ask you to allow Caroline to live a life without regret. God we never know what's ahead of us, or how much more time we each have on this earth. I pray that as she grows, Caroline has an understanding of forgiveness, grace, love, and compassion.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Dear God,
Please give Caroline an inclination toward cooperation. Please let her be able to tell when it's a time to be independent and when its a time to work as a team. And please bring that wisdom and cooperative spirit to her today - right now if possible.

Thank you God for understanding even the simplest requests. And if this ones not in the cards, please strengthen my senses of humor and flexibility today.


Monday, September 3, 2012

The way she sees me

Dear God,
Caroline's been going through a little bit of a clingy phase - she has some nervousness when I leave her. She stays really close to me, and wants a hug before she runs off at the Y, or before I leave her with a sitter. I've been struck by how she sees me -- I'm most definitely 'hers', and she clearly feels like we belong together. It's made me think of the way she sees me -- she sees me in a way that, probably, no one else in the world ever has. She doesn't see the flaws I see in the mirror, or the insecurities I feel. She sees me so much more positively than I even see myself. Thank you God for creating her to see me that way, and for her to be a reminder to me to not be too hard on myself. Thank you for our special relationship, and please help me to live up to the image that she's creating of me and God please give her a spirit of forgiveness when I don't.
